Wind Energy Hamburg

Wind Energy Hamburg is one of the main events in the wind industry's calendar. A technical conference hosts discussions of the latest research takes place alongside one of the largest wind trade fairs.

The OCB was there meeting service providers, installers, energy producers, equipment manufacturers, software engineers and turbine manufacturers. We caught up with After many hours of walking and lots of meeting new people, chatting and examining lost of potential new opportunities.

If you took the time to speak to us - thanks! We enjoyed speaking to you and hope you also had a great fair!

Heading to WindEnergy 2016 (back to Hamburg)

The OCB is heading back to Hamburg for the amazing WindEnergy Expo between the 27th and 30th of September.

We will be doing lots of walking to try and meet new companies, people we can collaborate with and try and develop new partnerships.

Hope you have a good trade fair and see you there!

Kriegers Flak Network Day (a bit late)

We also attended the formation of new Kriegers Flak Network Group last week.

Bornholm would be a great place to do some of the bigger works of Kriegers Flak when it gets awarded at the end of the year. We have great facilities, good access and limited traffic that will be ideal when construction begins in 2018.

It was a really interesting meeting, with presentations given from to of the potential owners of the 600 MW offshore wind project - Vattenfall and e.On (with Statoil) - discussing how they work best with local communities and what is required. E.On went further and had the project man…