Our First Syvspringer Award!

Our first prize for the most active and exciting member, who has achieved the most in the first year of operation for Offshore Center Bornholm - the Syvspringer Award - has gone to Martin Randrup from Bornholm Elektromotor.

Seven is the magic number for us here at OCB - syv in Danish - and Martin has jumped - springe - into the Offshore world with both feet

Martin has travelled around the world this year, operating out of multiple countries including Mexico and South Africa. His new business - Service at Sea - offering on-board thermography for passing ships is growing rapidly.


WINDFORCE Baltic Sea Conference 2016 - in Bornholm!

WINDFORCE Baltic Sea is one of the best events to discuss and understand the opportunities for offshore wind in the Baltic Sea. We are pleased to announce the WINDFORCE Baltic Sea will be in Bornholm this year. Local sponsors include Offshore Center Bornholm!

We are excited to welcome the two day event and the interesting and varied delegates from around the Baltic, with speakers from MHI Vestas, Siemens, Siem Offshore, CWind, REETEC, EnBW and WpD among many others.




Studiebesøg og nabovisit


Virksomheder og aktører fra Skåne området besøgte Bornholm for at få mere indsigt i det arbejde og den læring, der er skabt i forbindelse med offshore vind på Bornholm.

17 engagerede deltagere krydsede Østersøen, til et studiebesøg, hvor der var lagt op til et bredt program.  Jeppe la Cour, Chief Business Officer – Offshore, Rønne Havn A/S indledte programmet med at give et indblik i den udvikling, som Rønne Havn A/S har været igennem.  Herefter tog Lone Reppien Thomsen fra Offshore Center Bornholm gruppen med på den rejse, som små og mellemstore virksomheder fra Bornholm har været på sid…