It was today announced that Rønne Havn has been chosen as the port of departure for the wind turbines for Denmark's new and largest wind farm Kriegers Flak.

It was today announced that Rønne Havn has been chosen as the port of departure for the wind turbines for Denmark's new and largest wind farm Kriegers Flak.


The construction of Denmark's largest wind farm, Krigers Flak, will start by 2020. And now the port of shipment is found. It will be Rønne Havn, with its location on Bornholm in the middle of the Baltic Sea, central to the great operation.


In connection with the large project, the port area is expanded with 150,000 square meters.


"We are very pleased with our choice of Port of Rønne. It is well placed for activities in the Balt…

7-spinger for året 2017 - Offshore Center Bornholm has appointed the “Syvspringer” of the year 2017

Offshore Center Bornholm har udnævnt endnu en syvspringer

Syvspringeren for 2017, går til et helt team. Det er et Team, der har formået at tage et kæmpe spring og komme i mål med en stor opgave, selvom det ”kun” er fase 1.   

I omtaler selv dette mål som et startskud, hvilket også bevidner om en større vision og troen på muligheder – ikke mindst muligheder for Bornholm, herunder OCB.

På OCB’s vegne et stort Tak for indsatsen, tak for at åbne døren til nye muligheder,  - Syvspringer 2017 går til Rønne Havn Teamet.


Syvspringeren er en titel, som uddeles en gang om året til en virksomhed i…

7 minutes at the 7th Wind & Maritime 2018

The 7th Future Conference: Wind & Maritime – the conference in the Northeast that connects wind energy and maritime industry – will identify market and technology trends in the sectors onshore and offshore wind energy, maritime industry and marine technology and bring together industry representatives, ranging from start-up to global player, in Rostock from 18 to 19 April 2018.

A magic number for the conference - and a lot of offshore activity in the Baltic Sea