BHS LOGISTICS has a long experience servicing ships and crews and crews calling port of Rønne and ports on Bornholm. BHS Logistics A/S is one of the leading logistic providers in Denmark. A comprehensive European network provide our customers the best service in logistics, port agency, stevedoring, chartering and shipbroking. Passion for solutions since 1946. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified and a Lloyd sub agent.
/ port agency.
/ logistics.
/ repair, maintenance, spareparts.
/ supplies
Company profile
BHS Logistics A/S is one of the leading logistic providers in Denmark. A comprehensive European network provide our customers the best service in logistics, port agency, stevedoring, chartering and shipbroking. Passion for solutions since 1946.
Core products
• Logistics
• Road transport
• Temperature controlled and monitored transports
• Sea freight
• Port agency
• Shipbroker
• Stevedoring
• Repair, maintenance.
• Supplies
Other products
• Cargo handling
• Airfreight
• Express freight
• Container transport
• Storage
• Distribution
• Project transport
• Pharmaceutical transport
• Wine and spirits transport
ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)
BHS Logistics is by Bureau Veritas assigned the ISO 9001 Certificate of freight forwarding activities in the departments in Copenhagen and Aarhus. The certification supports the best possible ongoing process to offer market qualitative, flexible and cost effective transport-and logistics solutions.
BHS Logisticsis a transportation company that transport various kinds of goods every day across Denmark and several export markets. We want to be an active participant for a better environment, in consideration to our technical, economic and business limits, and we continually work to reduce environmental impacts of our transportation activities ensued. To support BHS Logistics environmental policy, a small program is implemented in all of the company cars to ensure proper and environmentally sound driving. The program is called “Greater Than”, and is designed to pull information on each chauffeur’s driving behavior. The system tells you what can be done better both in order to reduce consumption of diesel and repairs. BHS Logistics will ensure optimal utilization of all resources within the company.
Approved by
Lloyd Sub Agent
Networking with
Nordic Chain, System Alliance Partners Danske Fragtmænd
Years in business
• BHS Logistics was established in 1946 on the Danish island Bornholm. Branches in Denmark Rønne, Copenhagen and Aarhus
Number of employees 230
Ownership Privately held company.

Contact 24/7/365 + 45 56 93 17 00
BHS Logistics A/S
Vesthavnsvej 4,
DK-3700 Rønne
+45 56 93 15 00
Fax: +45 56 93 15 01